Saturday, March 29, 2008

Bike and thanks

This is the baby i'm crossing the country with..mmhmm. Thanks to Aunt Germaine and Brian Morron for your donation. Thank you to the Lemieux family for your donation, It was nice seeing you guys the other night! Thanks for Claremont Cycle Depot for sizing me up...

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Hey Cool Thanks Patrick!

By Patrick O'Grady News Editor Swinging a hammer and pedaling a bike may not seem to have much in common but for Laura Maki of Claremont they are the perfect combination. Maki, 19, a sophomore at Green Mountain College, is planning on hammering and pedaling her way across the United States this summer with the organization Bike and Build. “It combines my passions,” said Maki, home recently on her winter break. While at Stevens High School, Maki said she was enrolled in the building trades program at the Sugar River Technical Center and for years has enjoyed bicycling. But it wasn't until a friend told her about Bike and Build that she saw an opportunity to do both things she loved, while helping others. The 4,000 miles bicycle trip from Portsmouth, N.H., to Vancouver, British Columbia, includes regular stops at affordable housing projects. “We have 10 sites so far, the first one is in Lebanon, N.H.,” Maki said. “We'll be helping Habitat for Humanity, Rebuilding Together, basically any affordable housing project.” To be part of the project that departs Portsmouth on June 18, Maki is busy trying to raise $4,000, a dollar a mile, for the van-supported ride. The money will go toward the housing projects. To that end, Maki has set up a blog on Under rider blogs, Maki’s name appears on the Northern U.S. route. The trip will take the group of about 20 riders across New Hampshire and Vermont and into New York State.The cyclists will dip below the Great Lakes region through Ohio and once past the southern edge of Lake Michigan, head north through Illinois and Wisconsin before turning west through Minnesota, North Dakota, Montana, Idaho and Washington. The expected arrival date in Vancouver is Aug. 24. “Our shortest day is 20 miles and the longest is 140,” Maki said. “We will be staying in churches, YMCAs, places like that. I’m really excited about getting started.” Maki is also hoping for an early spring to begin riding more miles in preparation. “Riding indoors is getting boring,” she said. Having been on work crews with the Student Conservation Association, Maki said she is aware of the physical demands of the trip but is confident her training and experience will help her complete the journey. Maki has raised about $1,000 so far. Anyone interested in making a donation can do so by going online at BikeandBuild and clicking on Maki’s blog or through the mail with checks made out to BikeandBuild and sent to Maki at 5 Hartford St., Claremont, N.H. 03743.

Why thank you.

Thank you Janet and Ken Coulombe you guys are great! Thank you to Don and Wendy Woodman, it was nice seeing you at dinner!
I'm nearing on $2,000, almost halfway there. 89 (I think?) more days before I leave, woot. Thanks

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Marro's is a great place

Thank you Marro Home Center for your donation to Bike and Build. You guys are great, thanks for your note Patty.

I am now at $1605! Thank you About $2400 to go. Thanks all

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Thank you guys.

I would like to thank Patrick O'Grady for talking to me and printing an article about my trip in the Eagle Times, you are great!

Thank you to Marcy and Paul Obymako, Uncle Brad Schnyer and Aunt Kathy Schnyer, Chuck and Sue Ober, Don Taylor and Joan Coleman. You guys are making a huge difference in my summer and in the lives of the people I will be meeting along the way.

Thanks so much!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Thanks you!

The first thing that I want to do is to thank my Grammy and Papa (Doug and Joanne Schnyer) for thier donation to my trip! Thank You so much!

The next wicked exciting thing is that I just got an e-mail about ordering my bike, woot! The next step that I will have to take is to go get sized up for it at Claremont Cycle Depot and then order it and perhaps go pick it up at Zanes in the lovely state of CT.


Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I love my sponsors

 I went back to school and then I couldn't access my blog but now I have a computer.  Thank you to my most recent sponsors, Roy Funeral Home (Mr. Roy Thank you!) , The Gassett Family thank you guys soo  much you are awesome!  Thanks to Margie and Larry Thibodeau (I hope you are enjoying the warm GA weather, I'm really getting antsy for some warmth here).  Thank you Betty Woodman and Stringer Funeral Home (Mr. stringer Thanks!)  And My Mom thank you!

To this day I am at $950 woot!  $3050 more to go!!

thank you all rock my socks.