Monday, June 30, 2008

you may shimmy but do you Chamois?

So chores this week for my group are loading the trailer in the morning and doing laundry. Laundry = bad smells.   The laundry rundown for Bike and Build is as follows.  2 large tarps get put on the floor, one for regular clothes and one for bike clothes.  Then laundry crew Michelle, Sharon, Craig, Ian and I roll up the tarps like a nasty clothing burrito and stuff it into the van to drive to the laundry mat.  Next we put everything in the washers.  Picture a minimum of 60 diiiiirty chamois (bike shorts that you don't wear undies under and then wear all day with some form of shammy cream on it to prevent saddle sores) that we have to touch and load into the washers.  It is soooo gross!  Once laundry is done we make a clean laundry burrito and then put it back on the floor and everyone piles into the room to dig through the matching clothing to find their own.  I'm glad chores rotate every week...

By now we are in boonville, NY which is tiny...we rode 80 miles today to get here and the church prepared a nice dinner.  We all cleaned our bikes which were gross after all the rain...and then it started raining again, sooo....

1 comment:

Kris Maki said...

I can't imagine doing that laundry! But I can change any baby's diaper?! Go figure. Sounds like you're having a good time, keep up the posts. I love you. ~Aunt Kris