Saturday, July 5, 2008

Lockport - Niagra Falls

Happy 4th of JULY!!!  We had the shortest day that we will ever have on this trip...only 20 miles, and then we had the rest of the day to explore the falls.  We went to dinner at the church we were staying at and then back to Niagra to see the fireworks.  What didn't occur to us was that the fireworks were put on by the Canadian casinos and our Independence Day wasn't their Independence Day.  The fireworks were the 8 minutes long and the same that the regularly do on Friday nights.  They were still nice though and now I've seen the great falls that everyone talks about. wicked sweet!

1 comment:

amandatatro88 said...

ya that sounds really good!!! I dont know if i still have your number im really bad at keeping track so call me as soon as you get back!!863-5497