Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Palermo-Rochester, NY (July 1)

Pictures will come eventually..buut RIT won't let me plug in my photos to their computer...whatever. 

Lets play a game...pick which item doesn't belong. Pace line, Double Pace Line, Pit bulls, Bicycles.
I hope that we can all pick out the correct answer.  Dan took some really funny pictures which I will post later.  8 of us are riding nicely in a double pace line (wicked cool, right?) we transition to a single file line and Dan takes out his camera to take a photo of the group. Then a pitbull comes running out of the bushes as he clicks the camera, Sean in the back of the line is suddenly in the front and the group breaks up. Dan who was in no danger rides up next to me cracking up because of the pictures and what just happened because we were (who were in the front) were in no danger.  As he is laughing Jessie yells "big.....Dog!" and another pitbull heads directly for Dans bike.  We all took off as quickly as we could, which make the 90 mile day go by a lot faster... 

1 comment:

Avril Brand said...

Good luck Maki! Be safe, be careful and I wish you everything of the best.