Anyone want to take a stab at how your legs feel after a 25 mile uphill at a 6-8%grade in 104 degree heat?
Republic, is a pretty neat place, it looks a lot like the wild wild west, complete with the tumble weeds and the place we are sleeping at has a climbing Funny story of the day:
The townies (13-16year old boys) are out harrassing us while we are cleaning our bikes in the parking lot and they challenge Anson Moxness to a bicycle race. Eventually they jabber at us enough that Anson takes them on. He gets his bike shoes on and meets one of the 14year old boys on his bmx bike at the top of a hill. when they take off Anson and Kathy (who joined the race in the last minute) pull ahead of this kid riding no-handed, it was soo funny. when they won all of the townies left (I think that we had our first real townie-rumble)
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