Saturday, August 23, 2008

Eureka, MT- Libby, MT

Dear Town of Libby,

You are awesome. When Kristen and I got to Libby we were greated by the (perhaps self-proclaimed) 'Town Clown' who made us ballon animal bracelets so that we could wear them while we are on our bikes (which we did) and it was great It seems that everyone in this town was so diverse which made us feel the need to sit next to a carved beaver and bear sculpture and watch the community members go about thier buisness. We met some fun people who were very paranoid that the Canadians were going to come into thier town and steal thier children (one lady in particular told us not to walk off the main street, she was one of the extra-unique people in the town). Once we were done exploring the town we went to the high school that we were sleeping in and discovered a bat which kept flying all around the gym, making the bike and builders scream and hide (apparently we aren't that brave). I feel like our Libby experience was almost all that it could be, the only thing left to do is explore the abandoned Libby Hotel.

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